Monday, January 25, 2010

I must be Chicken Little...


Going to school in New York City has several benefits: great location, lots of fun & exciting things to do, great job and networking opportunities, and, of course, having classes cancelled due to "The New York City Fire Department [closing] many streets south of 1 Pace Plaza because high winds are blowing debris from the construction site adjacent to 1 Pace Plaza."

Yay for debris falling from the sky!!! Haha!
So what shall I do on this lovely, monsoon-y, windy day?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back to the Ol' Grindstone

Classes start tomorrow...
Did I really just have a month off? Sure doesn't seem like it!

Made Him An Offer He Couldn't Refuse...

So Conan O'Brien put The Tonight Show up for sale on Craigslist, so I made him an offer...

^^Conan's Craigslist Ad

My Offer:

My aunt's talented dog, Maggie!

I really hope he responds to my offer! I would love to own my own talk show!!


Conan's newest personal ad!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's Like the Super Bowl for Actors!

So the Golden Globes were on tonight! I personally enjoy the Golden Globes more than the Oscars because they are far more relaxed and you can see the actors, directors, writers, producers, etc. acting like regular human beings! The Oscars are so prestigious (not that that's a bad thing!) and everybody is so nervous and straight-laced. The Golden Globes...well, you have Ricky Gervais hosting (hilarious!), hilarious acceptance speeches (RDJr), as well as recognizing some of the most amazing performances by the most talented people in Hollywood. Very exciting!

This year was the first year in a while were I had actually seen almost every movie and TV show nominated, so I was really into the show! I'm not going to give a play-by-play of all the awards and my opinions on them, but I was not disappointed by anything! Meryl Streep was fantastic and inspiring as always, Mo'Nique made me cry, Robert Downey Jr. was hilarious, Sandra Bullock and Drew Barrymore were amazing, Martin Scorsese's speech reminded me why I want to be in this crazy profession. Overall, a great night for film and television!! :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Love

I know he's engaged, but a girl can dream!!


And just to add to my little obsession: VIDEOS! :)

The Proposal! (Makes me melt!)

The Wedding!! (Yeah, I cried a!)

Route 7

So after finally finishing "Autobiography of Red" at Algonkian Park, I decided to high-tail it out west on Route 7 and just see where it would take me. It was still light out on the way there and for most of the way back. I drove 40 miles each way, just to see how far Route 7 actually was. After about 3-4 different name changes for one two-lane road, I wound up in Winchester. Route 7 continued on past where I drove, but it wasn't titled Route 7 anymore (so it doesn't count!). There was potential to continue on I-81, but the mountains are prettier in the daylight, so I decided to head back east. On the way there and back, I saw lots of cows, horses, barns, silos, and roadkill.

The moral of this story...I miss driving in my car! :(


In the war between Conan and Jay...I'm with CoCo!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Re-Vamped for 2010

Hey Anybody That May Read This,

New Look. New Year. New Blog. New New New!

I am making a conscious effort to start writing in here again! New Years Resolution kinda!